Can a 14 year old buy bitcoin

can a 14 year old buy bitcoin

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They require you to be at least 18 in order to get involved in purchasing crypto, whether you want to buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ether, Litecoin or. There's no such thing as a legal age to buy bitcoin. If you're old enough to appreciate it, you should be old enough to buy it. While the legal age to buy crypto is 18, you can give your child cryptocurrency for the future. Before staking on a specific blockchain, it's a good idea to.
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Ethereum also provides a cryptocurrency token called " Ether ", which can be transferred between accounts and used to compensate participants for any computations they performed. Start learning with us! This means that if you are using a wallet as described above, you may not be able to work with certain brokerages. Like any other currency, the value of cryptocurrencies regularly fluctuates.